Palm Kernel Meal is a known cattle feed source in South-East Asian region. Its availability from oil palm processing industry in Malaysia and Indonesia makes it as an important feed ingredient.
Palm Kernel Meal is obtained as a by-product in palm kernel oil extraction industry. Palm kernel contains 50% fats, 9% crude protein and significant amount of digestible starch, sugar, and cellulose.
Palm Kernel Meal is obtained from solvent extraction method (unlike Palm Kernel Cake which is obtained from mechanical extraction process). Palm Kernel Meal contains lesser oil and higher protein as well very low shell content. Palm Kernel Meal is comparatively good quality product than the cake.
Palm Kernel Meal is a high energy source feed component with good amount of crude protein and fibre. Its nutritive value is 54% nitrogen free extract (NFE), 34% acid detergent fibre (ADF) and 72% neutral detergent fibre (NDF).
The nutritive value and palatability are good. PKM contains lesser fibre, oil and shell fractions, it is suitable for dairy, beef, goat, sheep, piggery feeding.
Dry Matter (DM) : 90%
Metabolizable Energy 10.6MJ/Kg
Crude Protein 14.6 15.0%
Crude Fibre 14.2%
Ether Extract (Fat) 2-3%
Ash 4-5%
Calcium 0.34%
Even though PKM is a good source of animal feed, its energy value is not sufficient for intensive production. To make it fully suitable feed for intensive animal production system, enrichment with other feed components is necessary.
We made the enrichment with other energy feed components to make it a complete feed for higher production cattle. Based on customer requirement we can make Pre-mix also with high protein value up to 26% which is suitable to blend with local other feed component to make a complete ration for any animal. Our pre-mix is high protein and net energy (TDN), feed.
Our Enriched Palm Kernel Meal is a product of different feed components of high energy value products. The production of pre-mix is undertaken in good management system.