
標(biāo)題: 2008最新研究——蛋雞理想氨基酸模型 [打印本頁]

作者: 小馬哥    時(shí)間: 2009-5-29 16:52
標(biāo)題: 2008最新研究——蛋雞理想氨基酸模型


Ideal Amino Acid Profile for 28-to-34-Week-Old Laying Hens

Kristjan Bregendahl,1 assistant professor;
Stacey Roberts, graduate research assistant;
Brian Kerr, research leader, USDA/ARS;
Dirk Hoehler, director of technical services, Evonik Degusssa Corporation

Summary and Implications
Theideal amino acid (AA) profile employs the concept that, whereasabsolute AA requirements change due to genetic or environmentalfactors, the ratios among them are only slightly affected. Thus, oncethe ideal AA profile has been determined, the requirement for a singleAA (i.e., lysine) can be determined experimentally for a given fieldsituation and the requirements for all the other AA calculated from theideal ratios. Seven separate experiments were conducted with layinghens to determine the ideal ratio of arginine, isoleucine, methionine,methionine+cystine, threonine, tryptophan, and valine relative tolysine for maximal egg mass. The assays were conducted simultaneouslyusing the same basal diet to which crystalline AA were added to createthe graded level of the respective assay AA and to ensure that theassayed AA was first limiting. Hens were fed the assay diets from 26 to34 weeks of age, with the first 2 weeks considered a depletion period.Egg production was recorded daily and egg weight was determined weeklyon eggs collected over 48 hours; egg mass was calculated as eggproduction × egg weight. The requirement for each AA was determinedusing the broken-line regression method. Consumption of arginine didnot affect egg mass, thus an ideal arginine:lysine ratio could not bedetermined. The ideal AA ratio for maximum egg mass for28-to-34-week-old laying hens was isoleucine 79%, methionine 47%,methionine+cystine 94%, threonine 77%, tryptophan 22%, and valine 93%on a true digestible basis relative to lysine.

Aminoacid requirements for laying hens are published by the NationalResearch Council.2 However, the experiments upon which theserequirements are based are dated and do not account for the geneticprogress of laying hens in the last 12 or more years. Amino acidrequirements have been reported since the publication of the National
ResearchCouncil requirements. However, these experiments have been conductedfor 1 AA at a time, performed under different experimental conditionsand with different basal diets, genetic lines of hens, feed consumptionrates, dietary energy contents, ambient temperature, cage space, andages of laying hens, all of which influence the AA requirements.
Becausemultiple factors affect AA requirements, requirements determined underexperimental conditions may not be applicable under field conditions.The solution to obtaining reliable AA requirements is therefore not todetermine the AA requirements, but rather to determine the ideal AAprofile for laying hens. The ideal AA profile employs the concept that,while AA requirements change drastically due to genetic orenvironmental factors, the ratio among them is only slightly affected.Thus, once the ideal AA profile has been determined, the requirementfor a single AA (e.g., lysine) can be determined experimentally for agiven field situation and the requirement for all the other AAcalculated. Such an approach has been adopted with success by the swineindustry and is finding use in the broiler industry as well.
Theobjective of Experiment 1 was to investigate responses of laying hens,28 to 34 weeks of age, to graded dietary inclusions of the essential AAarginine, isoleucine, lysine, methionine, threonine, tryptophan, andvaline, in order to determine the ideal AA ratios of the assayed AArelative to lysine. In Experiment 2, the objective was to confirm thelysine, methionine, and methionine+cystine requirements (and,therefore, the ideal methionine:lysine and methionine+cystine:lysineratios) determined in Experiment 1.

Material and Methods
Housing and Management
Atotal of 1,008 white single-comb Leghorn–type hens (Hy-Line W-36), 26weeks of age, were housed 2 per cage (619 cm2/hen) in wire-bottomedcages (Chore-Time, Milford, IN), each equipped with a plasticself-feeder and a nipple drinker. The photoperiod was 16 h of light and8 h of darkness and the hens had free access to feed and water at alltimes. Prior to Experiment 1 and between Experiments 1 and 2, the henswere fed and managed in accordance with the Hy-Line W-36 CommercialManagement Guide. All procedures relating to the use of live animalswere approved by the Iowa State University Institutional Animal Careand Use Committee.

Dietary Treatments

Abasal diet was formulated using corn, soybean meal, and meat and bonemeal to meet or exceed all nutrient requirements, except amino acids.In Experiment 1, the basal diet was mixed in 2 separate 2,722-kgbatches in a horizontal mixer at a commercial feed mill (Kent Feeds,Altoona, IA) and bagged in 22.6-kg bags according to batch number. InExperiment 2, a basal diet was mixed in a vertical mixer in 3 separate500-kg batches at the Iowa State University Poultry Science ResearchCenter. Representative samples of the basal-diet batches were pooledwithin experiment and analyzed for AA content by ion-exchangechromatography and for true AA digestibility by the cecectomizedrooster assay. The crystalline AA added to the basal diet were assumedto be 100% true digestible.
The 35 assay diets in Experiment 1 wereformulated with equal parts of each of the 2 basal-diet batches plus amixture of cornstarch, K2CO3 to maintain a similar dietary electrolytebalance among all diets, and crystalline AA to create 5 equally spacedgraded inclusions of each of the 7 assayed AA, such that diet 3provided the assayed AA at the estimated requirement (Table 1). InExperiment 2, only the responses to lysine and methionine weredetermined; thus, there were 10 assay diets formulated with equal partsof each of the 3 basal-diet batches as described for Experiment 1(Table 1). Crystalline AA, other than the one assayed, were added toall diets to assure that the assayed AA was first-limiting in any givenassay diet.

Data Collection

Henswere offered free access to the assay diets from 26 to 34 weeks of age(Experiment 1) or from 50 to 58 weeks of age (Experiment 2), with thefirst 2 weeks of each experiment considered a depletion period. Thus,only data from the last 6 weeks of the experiments were used in thestatistical analyses.
Egg production was recorded daily and feedconsumption (determined as feed disappearance) was measured weeklythroughout the 8-week-long experiments. Consumption of the assay AA(mg/day) was calculated from the mean daily feed consumption (g/day)over the last 6 weeks of each experiment and the dietary truedigestible AA content (%). This latter content was calculated from theanalyzed total AA content of the basal diet multiplied by the analyzeddigestibility coefficient plus the inclusion of crystalline AA. Onceevery week, eggs collected over a 48-hour period were weighed and theegg mass calculated by multiplying the week’s egg-production rate bythe egg weight.

Statistical Analyses

Therequirement for each assayed AA was determined in a randomized completeblock design with 5 dietary treatments (i.e., 5 levels of the assayedAA) and 12 blocks.

The cage location within the barn served asthe blocking criterion and the experimental unit was 1 cage containing2 hens. The requirements for digestible AA were calculated with thesingle-slope broken-line regression model with the consumption of theassayed AA (mg/day) as the independent variable. Block was not includedin the broken-line regression model. Feed consumption data wereanalyzed by analysis of variance (ANOVA) with block and dietarytreatment as the independent variables; treatment effects wereseparated using linear, quadratic, and cubic orthogonal polynomialcontrasts.

Theresponses to consumption of arginine, isoleucine, lysine, methionine,methionine+cystine, threonine, tryptophan, and valine in Experiment 1are shown in Figure 1. Hens fed the 5 arginine assay diets consumedbetween 574 and 843 mg/day of true digestible arginine, yet there wereno responses to consumption of arginine. The responses to consumptionof lysine, methionine, and methionine+cystine in Experiment 2 are shownin Figure 2. Hens fed the graded levels of AA generally responded byincreasing the feed consumption in a linear or curvilinear matter(Table 2). The requirements for true digestible AA for maximal eggproduction, egg weight, and egg mass, calculated using the broken-lineregression method are shown in Table 3, whereas the ideal AA profilefor maximal egg mass are shown in Table 4.

TheAA requirements, used to calculate the ideal AA profile, weredetermined with the broken-line regression model. This method isconsidered the best for obtaining the ideal ratios among AA, whereascurvilinear models, such as exponential or quadratic curve fitting, arebetter suited to establish the AA requirements for optimal performance.Typically, the broken-line regression method results in lower AArequirements than when a non-linear curve fitting is applied to thesame dataset. However, the broken-line regression model has theadvantages of a clearly defined breakpoint (i.e., the requirement) at adietary AA consumption that marginally limits performance, bothnecessary to determine the ideal AA profile. Although the absolute AArequirements (mg/day) are reported herein, they are only valid for theparticular hens in the particular experimental settings in the presentstudy and should not necessarily be used in commercial settings,especially because they were determined using the broken-line method,and not a curvilinear model.
The intent with the experimental designof the current study was to have 2 of the 5 assay diets supply theassayed AA below the estimated requirement, 1 diet supply the assayedAA at the estimated requirement, and 2 diets supply the assayed AAabove the estimated requirement. However,the requirements for lysineand methionine were overestimated in Experiment 1, such that only 1assay diet supplied the assayed AA below the observed requirement. Inother words, only 1 of the 5 assay diets was deficient in the assayedAA, lowering the confidence in the calculated AA requirement needed tocalculate the ideal AA profile. Therefore, the lysine and methioninerequirements were reevaluated in Experiment 2 with the same hens usingthe same methodology as in Experiment 1, albeit with lower dietarycontents of the assayed AA. Consequently, the breakpoints for lysine,methionine, and methionine+cystine were better defined in Experiment 2.Despite the differences in the age of the hens between the 2experiments, the requirements for true digestible lysine, methionine,and methionine+cystine were similar. Accordingly, the idealmethionine:lysine ratios (47 and 52% in Experiments 1 and 2,respectively) and methionine+cystine:lysine ratios (94 and 96% inExperiments 1 and 2, respectively) corresponded fairly well between the2 experiments, indicating that the ratios for methionine andmethionine+cystine determined in Experiment 1 were acceptable. Hence,the ideal AA profile for 28-to-34-week-old laying hens was calculatedfrom the true digestible AA requirement for maximal egg mass fromExperiment 1.
The ideal AA ratio for maximum egg mass for28-to-34-week-old laying hens was isoleucine 79%, methionine 47%,methionine+cystine 94%, threonine 77%, tryptophan 22%, and valine 93%on a true digestible basis relative to lysine. The ideal AA profiledetermined in this study indicated that laying hens need less truedigestible isoleucine and valine and more true digestible methionineand threonine in relation to lysine than that suggested by Coon andZhang3 and that calculated from requirements published by the NationalResearch Council.2 The ideal isoleucine:lysine ratio observed in thepresent study corresponded well with that calculated from AArecommendations by the Dutch Centraal Veevoederbureau.4In addition, thedetermined ideal AA profile agrees well with the profile calculatedfrom AA recommendations suggested by Leeson and Summers5 for32-to-45-week-old hens and is similar to that reported by Jais et al.6with the exception of tryptophan and valine. The idealmethionine:lysine and methionine+cystine:lysine ratios in the presentstudy were higher than those reported by the National ResearchCouncil,2 but agree well with the ratios suggested by the CentraalVeevoederbureau4 and by Leeson and Summers5 for 32-to-45-week-old hens.If the lowest true digestible arginine consumption observed inExperiment 1 (i.e., 574 mg/day) is accepted as meeting or exceeding therequirement of the hen for arginine, the ideal arginine:lysine ratiowas then no higher than 107%, similar to the 101% calculated from theNational Research Council2 arginine and lysine recommendations, andless than the 130% recommended by Coon and Zhang3 (Table 3).

Fundingfor the study was provided in part by Evonik Degussa Corporation,Kennesaw, GA, and by the Iowa Egg Council, Urbandale, IA. In-kindcontributions of feed ingredients, pullets, and services were providedby ADM, Des Moines, IA; Evonik Degussa Corporation, Kennesaw, GA; DSMNutrition, Ames, IA; Feed Energy Company, Des Moines, IA; ILCResources, Alden, IA; Kent Feeds, Altoona, IA; Darling International,Des Moines, IA; and Sparboe Farms, Litchfield, MN. The assistanceprovided by personnel in the Bregendahl laboratory and by Jeff Tjelta,Randy Holbrook, Bill Rogers, and Bill Larson at the Iowa StateUniversity Poultry Science Research Center is greatly appreciated.5Leeson,
作者: any_wyb    時(shí)間: 2009-5-29 17:02
作者: ahong    時(shí)間: 2009-5-29 18:29
作者: 小馬哥    時(shí)間: 2009-5-30 20:40
作者: ltzhl    時(shí)間: 2009-6-13 18:04

[ts]ltzhl 于 2009-6-13 18:05 補(bǔ)充以下內(nèi)容[/ts]

作者: ztjun518    時(shí)間: 2009-6-28 20:14
6# ltzhl

[ts]ztjun518 于 2009-6-28 20:26 補(bǔ)充以下內(nèi)容[/ts]

作者: xmvet    時(shí)間: 2009-7-8 00:35
作者: 風(fēng)的去處    時(shí)間: 2009-7-15 18:04

Kristjan Bregendahl , 1名助理教授;
布賴恩克爾,研究領(lǐng)導(dǎo)者,美國農(nóng)業(yè)部/ ARS的;
德克Hoehler技術(shù)服務(wù)總監(jiān), Evonik Degusssa公司

理想氨基酸( AA )的個(gè)人資料使用的概念,要求改變whereasabsolute機(jī)管局由于遺傳或environmentalfactors ,它們之間的比率只有輕微影響。因此, oncethe理想機(jī)管局個(gè)人資料已確定,要求singleAA (即賴氨酸)實(shí)驗(yàn)才能確定某一fieldsituation并要求所有其他機(jī)管局計(jì)算理想比率。七個(gè)獨(dú)立的實(shí)驗(yàn)進(jìn)行了layinghens確定理想比例精氨酸,異亮氨酸,蛋氨酸,蛋氨酸+胱氨酸,蘇氨酸,色氨酸,纈氨酸和最大相對tolysine的卵塊。這些化驗(yàn)進(jìn)行了simultaneouslyusing相同的基礎(chǔ)日糧的結(jié)晶機(jī)管局增加了createthe分級各自的水平測定AA和確保theassayed機(jī)管局首次限制。蛋雞飼養(yǎng)的試驗(yàn)日糧由26 to34周齡,首次審議了2個(gè)星期消耗period.Egg日常生產(chǎn)記錄和蛋重決心weeklyon雞蛋收集超過48小時(shí);卵塊是計(jì)算eggproduction ×蛋重。要求每個(gè)機(jī)管局determinedusing斷行回歸方法。消費(fèi)精氨酸255影響卵子的質(zhì)量,因此一個(gè)理想的精氨酸:賴氨酸比率不能bedetermined 。機(jī)管局的理想比例為最高卵塊for28至34周齡蛋雞被異亮氨酸79 % , 47 %的蛋氨酸,蛋氨酸+胱氨酸94 % ,蘇氨酸77 % ,色氨酸22 % , 93 %和纈氨酸對真可消化基礎(chǔ)相對賴氨酸。

氨基酸要求蛋雞正在出版的NationalResearch Council.2然而,實(shí)驗(yàn)賴以theserequirements所依據(jù)的日期,并沒有帳戶geneticprogress蛋雞在過去的12年或以上。氨基酸acidrequirements以來已報(bào)告的出版全國
研究委員會的要求。但是,這些實(shí)驗(yàn)已conductedfor 1機(jī)管局的時(shí)間,表現(xiàn)在不同的實(shí)驗(yàn)conditionsand不同基礎(chǔ)的飲食,遺傳線的母雞,飼料consumptionrates ,日糧能量含量,環(huán)境溫度,籠子空間, andages蛋雞,所有這些都影響機(jī)管局的要求。
Becausemultiple因素影響機(jī)管局的要求,確定的需求underexperimental條件可能不適用于外地條件下獲得可靠的解決機(jī)管局的要求,因此沒有todetermine機(jī)管局的要求,而是要確定理想的AAprofile的蛋雞。理想機(jī)管局員工形象的概念,雖然機(jī)管局需求急劇變化orenvironmental由于遺傳因素,它們之間的比例僅略高于affected.Thus ,一旦理想機(jī)管局的個(gè)人資料已確定, requirementfor單節(jié)AA (如賴氨酸)可確定的實(shí)驗(yàn)agiven實(shí)地情況,并要求所有其他AAcalculated 。這種做法已經(jīng)通過成功的swineindustry和使用中發(fā)現(xiàn)的肉雞業(yè)以及。
Theobjective的實(shí)驗(yàn)1是調(diào)查的答復(fù)蛋雞, 28至34周的年齡,以分級飲食包裹的重要AAarginine ,異亮氨酸,賴氨酸,蛋氨酸,蘇氨酸,色氨酸, andvaline ,以確定理想的機(jī)管局比率檢測AArelative以賴氨酸。實(shí)驗(yàn)二,其目的是要證實(shí)thelysine ,蛋氨酸和蛋氨酸+胱氨酸要求(因此,理想的蛋氨酸:賴氨酸和蛋氨酸+胱氨酸: lysineratios )確定實(shí)驗(yàn)1 。

Atotal的1008白色單梳里窩那型母雞(海蘭的W - 36 ) ,二十六周歲,住2每個(gè)籠子( 619 cm2/hen )在有線bottomedcages (瑣事時(shí),米爾福德,中) ,每個(gè)配備了plasticse
作者: huayiliu    時(shí)間: 2009-7-17 11:27
作者: 小馬哥    時(shí)間: 2009-8-21 14:19
作者: angfasiliao    時(shí)間: 2009-8-21 14:31
作者: 山中的漫游者    時(shí)間: 2009-8-21 15:02
引用自ltzhl 發(fā)表于 2009-6-13 18:04的內(nèi)容

[ts]ltzhl 于 2009-6-13 18:05 補(bǔ)充以下內(nèi)容[/ts]



[ts]山中的漫游者 于 2009-8-21 15:03 補(bǔ)充以下內(nèi)容[/ts]
引用自angfasiliao 發(fā)表于 2009-8-21 14:31的內(nèi)容

作者: angfasiliao    時(shí)間: 2009-8-22 20:39

[ts]angfasiliao 于 2009-8-22 20:46 補(bǔ)充以下內(nèi)容[/ts]

作者: xiaolongdiyi    時(shí)間: 2009-8-23 13:24

[ts]xiaolongdiyi 于 2009-8-23 15:38 補(bǔ)充以下內(nèi)容[/ts]

作者: ltzhl    時(shí)間: 2009-8-23 17:15
作者: sky19680125    時(shí)間: 2009-8-25 18:22
作者: effy    時(shí)間: 2010-1-16 17:16
作者: yyt    時(shí)間: 2010-2-4 16:24

[ts]yyt 于 2010-2-5 12:35 補(bǔ)充以下內(nèi)容[/ts]

作者: 農(nóng)牧人    時(shí)間: 2010-3-9 23:42
很有意思  就是看不大懂
作者: gay1118    時(shí)間: 2010-4-27 18:54
作者: norddy    時(shí)間: 2010-6-29 14:56

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