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Economics of increasing lysine:calorieratio and adding dietary fat for growing-finishing pigs reared in a commercialenvironment
Manuel De La Llata, MS, PhD;Mike D.Tokach, MS, PhD;Robert D. Goodband, MS, PhD;Jim L. Nelssen, MS, PhD;Steve S. Dritz, DVM, PhD;Michael R. Langemeier,MS, PhD
MDLL, MDT, RDG, JLN: Department of Animal Sciences andIndustry; MRL:Department of Agricultural Economics; SSD: Food Animal Health andManagement Center, Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas66506-0201
SSD: Food Animal Health and Management Center, KansasState University, College of Veterinary Medicine, 1800 Dennison Avenue,Manhattan, Kansas 66506. Tel: 785-532-4202; Fax: 603-676-5543; E-mail: dritz@vet.ksu.edu
Contribution No. 00-445-J of the Kansas Agric ExpStat, Manhattan, Kansas 66506.
Address correspondence to Dr Dritz.
De L Llata M, Dritz SS, Langemeier MR, et al. Economics of increasinglysine:calorie ratio and adding dietary fat for growing-finishing pigs rearedin a commercial environment . J Swine Health Prod. 2001;9(5):215-223. 鏈接可以下載 Available as a PDFSummary Objective: To evaluate the economics of adding dietary fat andincreasing lysine:calorie ratios in growing-finishing pigs reared in commercialswine facilities. Methods: Data was collected from 1200 gilts (initially 27 kg)and 1200 barrows (initially 34 kg). Two levels of fat (0% and 6% added choicewhite grease) and four lysine:calorie ratio regimens (LCR) arranged in a 2 x 4factorial were examined. Monthly prices of corn, soybean meal, fat, and hogsfor 1989 to 1998 were used to calculate feed cost, feed cost per kg of gain,and income over feed cost(IOFC) under two packing-plant pricing grids. Results: Adding fat and increasing LCRincreased ADG, G:F, and feed cost per pig. For gilts, feed cost per kg of gainwas lowest in 39.2, 15.0, and 4.2% of months for LCR2, LCR3, and LCR4 withoutadded fat, respectively; and in 41.6% of months for LCR4 with added fat. The IOFC was highest in 98.3 and 100% of monthsfor LCR4 with added fat using Grids One and Two, respectively. For barrows,feed cost per kg of gain was lowest in 84.4% of months for LCR3 without addedfat. Using Grid One, IOFCwas highest in 55 and 45% of months for LCR4 with or without added fat,respectively. Using Grid Two, IOFCwas highest in 97.0% of months for LCR4 with 6% added fat. Implication: For evaluation of nutritional programs, IOFC is a better indicator of economicperformance than feed cost per pig or feed cost per unit of gain. Keywords: swine, lysine, energy, added fat, economics Received: June 12, 2000 Accepted:April 6, 2001
The energy content of the diet generally determines the amount of feedconsumed by growing-finishing pigs.1 Consequently, as energy contentincreases, the amino acid levels of the diet must increase proportionately.Since lysine is the most common limiting amino acid, the proportion of aminoacids to energy is commonly expressed as the lysine:calorie ratio. Severalstudies have shown that increasing the lysine:calorie ratio in diets forgrowing-finishing pigs improves average daily gain (ADG) and feed efficiency(G:F).2,3,4 Increasing energy content by adding fat to the diet alsoincreases ADG and G:F, and decreases average daily feed intake.5,6,7Although adding fat and additional amino acids to the diet improves growth performance,feed cost also increases. Therefore, economics should dictate the inclusion offat and additional amino acids in diets for growing-finishing pigs. The growthresponse to added fat appears to be different in controlled research settingscompared to commercial farms8 because of the 25 to 40% greater feedintakes of pigs housed under controlled environments. The objective of thisstudy was to evaluate the economics of adding dietary fat and increasinglysine:calorie ratios in growing-finishing pigs reared in commercial swinefacilities. Materialsand methods Animals This study included two experiments with a total of2400 growing-finishing pigs (PIC C22 x 337). Experiment One was conducted withgilts (n=1200; initially 27 kg) from July to November 1998. Experiment Two wasconducted with barrows (n=1200; initially 34 kg) from August to December
1998. Diets For both experiments, thecorn-soybean meal-based diets were arranged in a 2 x 4 factorial with twolevels of added fat (0 and 6% choice white grease) and four increasinglysine:calorie ratios in each phase (Table 1). Thus, the four lysine:calorieratios with and without added fat across four phases resulted in 32 diets fedacross the four lysine:calorie ratio regimens (LCR) for each experiment. Otheressential amino acids, calcium, phosphorus, vitamins, and minerals wereformulated to meet or exceed recommendations of NRC, 1998.1 Eachdiet phase was fed for a 28-day period. The average pig weights for each of thefour phases were 27 to 45, 45 to 75, 75 to 100, and 100 to 120 kg forExperiment One and 34 to 60, 60 to 80, 80 to 100, and 100 to 120 kg forExperiment Two. A more detailed description of the diets is presented in De LaLlata et al.9,10 Housing andfeeding Pigs were housed in identical,double curtain-sided, deep pit research barns constructed like commercialfinishing facilities, with forty-eight 3.05 m x 5.50-m pens and totally slattedconcrete floors. The barns were ventilated naturally during warm weather andmechanically during cold weather. Upon arrival from the nursery,pigs were allotted randomly to pens, with 25 pigs per pen, providing 0.67 m2per pig. There was one four-hole self-feeder and one cup waterer in each pen.Pigs had ad libitum access to food and water throughout the experiments. Growthperformance In each experiment, group weightsof all the pigs in each pen were obtained every 14 days. Feed was weighed andadded to the feeders using an auger cart equipped with a scale. Feeders werevacuumed, and the remaining feed was recorded at the diet phase changes every28 days. Average daily gain, feed disappearance, and feed efficiency werecalculated. At the end of the last phase, all pens were weighed beforetransport to a USDA-inspected processing plant. Prior to transport, the pigs ineach pen were marked with a distinctive tattoo to allow the individual carcassdata to be identified with the pen of origin. All pigs within each gender weremarketed on a single day. Standard carcass criteria measured included carcassweight, fat and loin depths, and lean percentage. Economicdata collection Prices used in calculations forcorn, soybean meal, fat, and hogs (Figures 1 and 2) were collected monthly inthe state of Minnesota for a ten-year period (1989 to 1998). Corn and hogprices were obtained from the National Agricultural Statistics Service,11and fat (Minneapolis choice white grease) and soybean meal (Minneapolis highprotein) prices from Feedstuffs.12 All prices were adjustedfor inflation using the consumer price index from the US Department of Labor,Bureau of Labor Statistics.13 Economic calculationsTotal feed cost per pig, feedcost per kg of gain, and income over feed cost (IOFC)per pig were calculated monthly for each treatment for each month of theten-year data collection period. Total feed cost per pig was calculated usingthe monthly ingredient prices and the amount of feed consumed by phase for eachof the dietary treatments. Feed cost per kg of gain was calculated by dividingthe total feed cost per pig by the total kg of body weight gained. Income overfeed cost per pig was determined by subtracting the feed cost per pig from thegross income per pig for each treatment. Gross income per pig was determinedusing monthly hog prices collected for the ten-year period plus premiums anddiscounts using the carcass measurements and two packing-plant grids. The samebase price (based on monthly hog price) was used for both grids. Grid One usedfixed premiums and weight discounts, which were independent of the base price(Table 2). Grid Two used an index of premiums and discounts, which representeda percentage of the base carcass price (Table 3).
Statistical analysis Average daily gain, G:F, carcassweight, carcass lean, total feed cost, feed cost per kg of gain, and IOFC were analyzed as a completely randomizeddesign using GLM procedures.14 The data were analyzed as a 2 x 4factorial arrangement with main effects of added dietary fat (0 or 6%) and withlinear and quadratic polynomial contrasts15 to determine the effectof increasing the lysine:calorie ratio. Pen was the experimental unit for allcalculations.
Regressionanalysis A multiple regression analysisfor each of the dietary treatments was performed using the data analysisregression tool of Excel(R) described by Ragsdale.16 Thefollowing regression model was fitted to the data: IOFC = bo + b1Corn+ b2SBM + b3Fat + b4Hog price Income over feed cost per pig for each month duringthe ten-year data collection period was used as the dependent variable. Pricesof corn, soybean meal, fat, and hog carcasses for the same ten-year period wereused as the independent variables. Elasticity Regressionresults are easier to interpret if the relationship between independent anddependent variables is expressed in percentage terms. An elasticity measuresthe effect on the dependent variable of a 1% change in an independent variable.The elasticity of Y with respect to X2, for example, is thepercentage change in Y divided by the percentage change in X2. Foreach of the dietary treatments, the elasticities of the independent variableswere calculated according to Pindyck and Rubinfeld17 using thefollowing equation: where E is the elasticity for the jth variable,[beta] is the regression coefficient of the independent variable (ingredient orhog price), is the average price of the independent variable, and Y is theaverage value of the dependent variable (IOFC).The impact of elasticity on the dependent variable increases with increasingabsolute values of elasticity. Results Growth andeconomic performance Experiment 1(gilts) A more detailed description ofthe growth performance data is presented in De La Llata et al.9Briefly, adding 6% dietary fat (P<.05) and increasing thelysine:calorie ratio (P<.05 linear) increased ADG, G:F, carcassweight, total feed cost per pig, and IOFC (Table 4). Carcass lean decreasedwith 6% added dietary fat (P<.05), and increased when the LCRincreased (P<.05 linear). Feed cost per kg of gain increased (P<.10)when 6% added fat was included in the diet. No significant interactions betweenfat and LCR were observed (P>.41). The fourth LCR with 6% added fatresulted in the highest IOFCin 98.3% (Grid One) and 100% (Grid Two) of the months during the ten-year datacollection period. The fourth LCR without added fat resulted in the highest IOFC in only 2 months for Grid One (1.7%).When no fat was added to the diet, feed cost per kg of gain was lowest in 39.2%of months for the second LCR, 15.0% of months for the third LCR, and 4.2% forthe fourth LCR. When 6% fat was added to the diet with the fourth LCR, feedcost per kg of gain was lowest in 41.6% of months.
Experiment 2(barrows) Adding 6% dietary fat (P<.05)and increasing the LCR (P<.05 linear) increased ADG, G:F, carcassweight, and total feed cost per pig (Table 4). Carcass lean decreased with 6%added dietary fat (P<.05), and increased when the LCR increased (P<.05linear). Adding 6% fat to the diet did not affect IOFC for Grid One (P>.56),but tended to increase IOFC for Grid Two (P<.10). Increasing the LCRincreased IOFC for both grids (P<.05 linear). Feed cost per kg ofgain increased (P<.05) when 6% fat was included in the diet.Increasing the LCR decreased feed cost per kg of gain (P<.05 linear).No significant interactions between fat and LCR were observed (P>.41). For Grid One , the fourth LCRwith 6% added fat resulted in the highest IOFC in 46.7% of the months, and thefourth LCR with no added fat resulted in the highest IOFC in 53.3% of themonths. For Grid Two, the fourth LCR with 6% added fat resulted in the highestIOFC in 97.0% of the months. The fourth LCR without added fat resulted in thehighest IOFC in only 4 months (3.0%). Feed cost per kg of gain was lowest in84.4% of months for the third LCR with no added fat and in 15.6% of months forthe fourth LCR with 6% added fat. Regressionand elasticity 回歸和伸縮性 Inboth experiments, regression coefficients were negative for corn, soybean meal,and fat prices, and the greatest absolute value was observed for the corn pricecoefficient (Table 5). The regression coefficient for hog price was positive,and it had the greatest elasticity value for each treatment in both experiments(Table 6). Fat price had the lowest elasticity value, followed by soybean mealand corn prices. When the lysine:calorie ratio of the diet was increased,elasticities decreased for corn, fat, and hog prices, and increased for soybeanmeal price.