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Analyses of Feed and Energy Intakes During Lactation for Three Breeds of Sows...

發(fā)表于 2016-2-19 14:59:05 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
本帖最后由 小馬哥 于 2016-2-19 15:01 編輯

Analyses of Feed and Energy Intakes During Lactation for Three Breeds of Sows
A. P. Schinckel ,*1  PAS, C. R. Schwab ,†  V. M. Duttlinger ,‡  and  M. E. Einstein *
* Department of Animal Sciences, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907-2054; † National
Swine Registry, West Lafayette, IN 47906; and ‡ Tempel Genetics, Gentryville, IN 47537

Daily feed intakes from 993 lactation records from 3 breeds of sows (42 Duroc, 405 Landrace, and 358 Yorkshire sows) were evaluated over a 19-mo period. Mixed models were evaluated for the Bridges, negative exponential, and generalized Michaelis-Menten functions. The generalized Michaelis-Menten function with 2 random effects provided the best fit to both daily feed intake (residual SD = 0.93 kg/d) and ME intake (residual SD = 3.04 Mcal/d). Duroc sows had lower (P < 0.001) feed and ME intakes than Landrace and Yorkshire sows. Feed and ME intakes were less for the summer season (June 15 to September 15) than for the other 3 seasons. Predicted mean ME intake (d 1 to 19) had significant (P < 0.001) relationships with number weaned (NW; ME intake, Mcal/d =16.84 + 1.445 NW &#8722; 0.0692 NW2) and 21-d litter weight [ME intake, Mcal/d = 21.42 + 0.0454 (21-d litter weight,kg)]. Sows with greater than average 21-d litter weights consumed only 12 to 14% of the additional ME required for the additional milk production. A transient reduction in feed intake was defined as when daily feed intake was 1.6 residual SD less than the predicted daily feed intake for 2 or more days. The incidence of transient reductions in feed intake was not affected (P > 0.10) by stage of lactation (68 early, 77 mid-, and 82 late lactation). The incidence of transient reductions in feed intake was affected (P < 0.05) by season, with incidence rates of 18.8, 16.3, 22.2, and 16.3% for summer, fall, winter, and spring, respectively.

Analyses of Feed and Energy Intakes During Lactation for Three Breeds of Sows 修.pdf

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 樓主| 發(fā)表于 2016-2-19 14:59:11 | 只看該作者

Analyses of Feed and Energy Intakes During Lactation for Three Breeds of Sows...

Analyses of Feed and Energy Intakes During Lactation for Three Breeds of Sows
A. P. Schinckel ,*1  PAS, C. R. Schwab ,&#8224;  V. M. Duttlinger ,&#8225;  and  M. E. Einstein *
* Department of Animal Sciences, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907-2054; &#8224; National
Swine Registry, West Lafayette, IN 47906; and &#8225; Tempel Genetics, Gentryville, IN 47537

Daily feed intakes from 993 lactation records from 3 breeds of sows (42 Duroc, 405 Landrace, and 358 Yorkshire sows) were evaluated over a 19-mo period. Mixed models were evaluated for the Bridges, negative exponential, and generalized Michaelis-Menten functions. The generalized Michaelis-Menten function with 2 random effects provided the best fit to both daily feed intake (residual SD = 0.93 kg/d) and ME intake (residual SD = 3.04 Mcal/d). Duroc sows had lower (P < 0.001) feed and ME intakes than Landrace and Yorkshire sows. Feed and ME intakes were less for the summer season (June 15 to September 15) than for the other 3 seasons. Predicted mean ME intake (d 1 to 19) had significant (P < 0.001) relationships with number weaned (NW; ME intake, Mcal/d =16.84 + 1.445 NW &#8722; 0.0692 NW2) and 21-d litter weight [ME intake, Mcal/d = 21.42 + 0.0454 (21-d litter weight,kg)]. Sows with greater than average 21-d litter weights consumed only 12 to 14% of the additional ME required for the additional milk production. A transient reduction in feed intake was defined as when daily feed intake was 1.6 residual SD less than the predicted daily feed intake for 2 or more days. The incidence of transient reductions in feed intake was not affected (P > 0.10) by stage of lactation (68 early, 77 mid-, and 82 late lactation). The incidence of transient reductions in feed intake was affected (P < 0.05) by season, with incidence rates of 18.8, 16.3, 22.2, and 16.3% for summer, fall, winter, and spring, respectively.
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